01.07.1990 a founding vision becomes reality
Guided by the idea of a company structure which is oriented towards customer benefit in order to implement the holistic automation of energy and infrastructure processes, Gerd Fischer and Uwe Schmidt founded F&S PROZESSAUTOMATION GmbH. Behind this was the idea that the solution or project was the focus of attention and that the company structure should not be hierarchical but agile so that it follows the individual requirements of the projects. This structure proved to be of great benefit both for our customers and for our continuous development, so that it is still lived today.
You are different from a real company.
Competence - A brief outline of over a thousand projects
Implementation of first telecontrol projects for 110 kV substations.
Media supply, concept and planning for automation and remote monitoring of a drinking water network.
Implementation of the first digital multi-channel communication system for telecontrol networks (DMS64).
First network control technology project as a cross-divisional integrated solution for a municipal utility.
The first step is making a plan, - then the work will be done quickly.
(F&S employee)
First project with switchgear control technology for a 110kV transformer station with double busbar.
F&S expands its portfolio to include the excitation of synchronous machines by taking over the supply and service of the still analogue controlled excitation systems from its customer.
A product family and a brand are born.The development of the digitally controlled excitation system XD begins.
A living culture of innovation creates confidence in the realization of sophisticated solutions.
(F&S employee)
First machine protection solutions for generators implemented by F&S.
The first XD excitation devices for on-board generators for a series of locomotives are delivered.
First excitation systems XD are delivered for use in power plants and drive solutions.
The excitation system XD is used for the first time in hydropower plants.
The transport infrastructure sector (rail, road) will become part of the F&S portfolio.
F&S extends its process engineering knowledge and automates a bio-diesel refinery.
The world's largest dredger is equipped with XD excitation devices. Which has been the start of many projects for deep-sea vessels of all kinds.
Respect to F&S for successfully carrying out and completing such a project.
Terminal II at Munich Airport - with the automation and control technology for airports, the F&S portfolio in the infrastructure sector is expanding.
The range of services is extended by the area of control technology for waterways.
The foundation of E&A Elektrotechnik und Automatisierung GmbH, together with Mr. Daniel Heimann, decisively expands our portfolio by the engineering competence of electrical primary technology as well as the range of services of assemblies in the primary and secondary area.
F&S are the consulting engineers we trust in.
F&S excitation systems XD conquer the top class of power plant generators over 100 MW. Subsequently, generators between 100 and 700 MW are equipped with excitation systems XD of different redundancy configurations.
The first simulation-based equipment of an existing medium-voltage industrial grid with a fully automatic grid management including load shedding, grid construction and other automatic systems for securing and optimizing the plant energy supply by integrating external feeds and in-house generation.
F&S is responsible for the complete design and supply for the electrical unit protection (2* 980 MW) of a power plant.
The first of many subsequent reconstructions of secondary technology of inner-city 110 kV busbar transformer stations on the basis of plant-integrated pre-simulation of the function, taking into account conversion scenarios and necessary provisional arrangements during operation.
Ask F&S! They do that!
F&S is going offshore. With the design and equipment of the higher-level control technology of a North Sea wind farm with AC platform, including an onshore control room designed for several farms, a continuous communication backbone and holistic tool for the operational management of wind farms with tens of subsystems is created.
Decision to supplement the portfolio in the field of power converters with power electronics in the medium voltage range.
With the foundation of F&S converter GmbH and its co-partners, the competence of the F&S group has been decisively expanded in the field of power converter technology. The focus is on converters and solutions based on them in the megawatt range.
Our colleagues do not fit into drawers. I think in a normal company they'd fold.
(F&S employee)
For the first time F&S is responsible for a partial automation of an offshore DC converter platform. Called in as a fire brigade by our partner in the last third of the project duration, F&S solves the task on schedule to the full satisfaction of the customer. Intelligent F&S libraries, from CAD to software, enable partially generic solutions across factory heterogeneous system topologies.
The first delivery of a medium voltage power converter MC.
F&S supplies protection and control technology for two decentralized railway converter plants 110 kV/ 50 Hz, 15 kV/ 16.7 Hz. The closed data modelling in accordance with IEC61850, which is carried out across a heterogeneous system landscape, had a pilot character for the future standard of DB-Energie.
F&S supplies the first multi-system test bay converter LC.
I wouldn't have believed that such a complex solution would work right away.
F&S in the first row. With the first project as EPC contract partner for complete natural gas compressor drives (25 MW/ 8 MW) including converters and peripheral equipment, our customer has placed its trust in us on a new level.
With the order for the replacement with reengineering of an existing AC platform control system, F&S has once again placed its trust in F&S to create effective solutions for operational management.
At this point we would like to thank our customers for their trust in our work and performance.
Without our customers we would not exist.
At the same time we would like to express our appreciation to all employees of the F&S Group.
The spirit of F& S to create solutions out of tasks and the F& S customer image - that you are.
Furthermore, we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to our partners and suppliers.
Our systems are only as good as your components in them.
(Gerd Fischer and Uwe Schmidt)
2020 - Vision
After 30 successful years, the founders Uwe Schmidt and Gerd Fischer still see the path to stability in continuity of the further development of the portfolio. The key to continuing to create customer-oriented solutions with an engineering spirit is a grown team and passing on the "spirit" of our approach to a new generation of specialists and managers.
"Normal different." In the future, too, solution orientation and sustainability of our systems will have priority over short-term profit-making. In doing so, we rely on the teamwork of our creative staff in the competence centers of the F&S Group.
Wachstum ist kein Ziel, sondern mögliche Folge von Stabililtät durch Kontinuität in Qualität und Innovation.