EZA controller TIBS-EC1 based on SICAM A8000 certified. - Not only a product, but a solution!

With the latest product from the F&S range, our parking controller EC1, we have created the first EZA controller according to VDE-AR-N 4110 based on SIEMENS hardware widely used in the energy sector! On April 15, we successfully passed the type test of our EZA controller and the prototype certificate for the latest F&S product, EC1, was issued.
The applicative focus of EC1 is on CHP plants as well as entire energy parks with different generation plants and also self-consumption supply. As a system integrator for practical solutions, we have of course incorporated our decades of extensive practical experience in the implementation of stable automation solutions for generator plants, plant and island grids into the development.
As a result, our customers now have not just one device, but an integral solution at their disposal at the grid connection point. The SICAM A8000 system platform also enables consistent integration into the system environment of switchgear control technology and generator automation right down to the engineering level.
We are looking forward to your tasks!