Our joint CHRISTMAS DONATION ACTION has raised 3.260,00€

We warmly thank you for supporting the Outpatient Children's and Youth Hospice Service "Ambulanter Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst" (AKHD), by redeeming your donation credit provided by the F&S Group.
The AKHD accompanies children, adolescents and young adults with a life-shortening illness, as well as their siblings and parents, in their homes.
The volunteers accompany the affected families on a long-term basis, often for years. They listen, go for walks with the children, play and are the contact person for topics such as mourning, death, farewell and everyday life with a sick child.
Due to their commitment, Bernhard Kaluza (Managing Director E&A Elektrotechnik und Automatisierung GmbH) and Uwe Schmidt (Managing Director F&S PROZESSAUTOMATION GmbH) were allowed to hand over the total amount of 3260,-€ in the form of a symbolic check to the association on February 16, 2023.
It was an interesting meeting for both sides.
The companies of the F&S Group wish the "Ambulanter Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst Dresden" and its volunteers, as well as the affected families, numerous rays of hope and, above all, much strength.