Research project DigiTechNet

DigiTechNett is the abbreviation for the research project "Digitalizationtechnologies for the operation of lowvoltagenetworks". Coordinated by the Chair of Electrical Energy Supply and the Chair of Energy Economics of the TU Dresden, F&S PROZESSAUTOMATION GmbH has joined forces with SachsenNetze GmbH, SachsenNetze HS. HD GmbH, Robotron Datenbanken-Software GmbH, DigSILENT GmbH and emsys grid services GmbH within the framework of a cooperationsproject to develop forward-looking solutions for transformationrequirements for the lowvoltagegridlevel resulting from the energyturnaround.
The project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, has a total volume of €4.7 million. The aim is to develop concepts for future operational management and, after field testing, to integrate them into the operational management of the low-voltage networks, In this way, the project partners hope to be able to make a fundamental contribution to the digitization and implementation of the energy transition. An important part of the planned work on the service platform for reliable operation is the development of a congestion management system that prevents the occurrence of critical network situations. The basic prerequisite for this is the real-time monitoring of the grid status, which is influenced to a large extent by the increasing integration of so-called renewable energies, electric vehicles and heat pumps.