Subsynchronous converter cascade from F&S for clean air in casting hall

The subsynchronous converter cascade was designed, manufactured, tested and finally commissioned on site at Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH (HKM) in Duisburg by F&S. It operates a 1.5 MW, 5 kV asynchronous motor with a maximum rotor voltage of 1.6 kV.
F&S realized the subsynchronous converter cascade with its own products.
For this purpose, several of our standard modules such as thyristor and diode power modules of the type PM, thyristor gate units of the type GU3006 and a control unit of the type SC1200 were integrated. In order to meet the increased demands of reliability of power supply, the output inverter of the subsynchronous converter cascade was designed redundantly. The overvoltage protection of the type OVP used for the DC link of the USK also belongs to our F&S product family.
…hiermit bedanke ich mich für die reibungslose Umsetzung und gute Zusammenarbeit im Namen der HKM bei allen die sich an dem Neubau, Umbau und der Inbetriebnahme der USK Entstaubungsgebläse beteiligt haben. Es hat Spaß gemacht mit Euch...
…on behalf of HKM, I would like to thank all those involved in the construction, conversion and commissioning of the USK dedusting fans for the smooth implementation and excellent cooperation. It was a pleasure to work with you...
- Gregor Hessek –
Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH
Blast Furnace Maintenance Department