Successful com­missioning of charging sub-unit with balancing con­verter

Photo: Karl-Ludwig Oberthür

The companies F&S PROZESS­AUTOMATION GmbH (F&S) and Rail Power Systems GmbH (RPS) have com­pleted the jointly de­veloped compact charging sub-unit for a charging voltage of AC 15 kV 50 Hz.

The charging sub­unit was transferred from Dohna near Dresden to Alstom's Salz­gitter plant by road transport in mid-February 2023, where it was erected ready for operation within four days.

This inno­vative contri­bution to the energy turn­around also attracted po­litical interest when Torsten Herbst, a member of the Bundestag, visited our com­pany on February 14, 2023.

The com­missioning was carried out in two phases. First, the charging substation was tested in idle mode and func­tionality and pro­tection set­tings were checked. For the se­cond phase, Alstom pro­vided the Coradia Continental 1440 402 traction unit, a vehicle from the pilot series of accu­mulator traction units for Verkehrs­verbund Mittel­sachsen (VMS). These are to be used in the future on the Leipzig - Chemnitz line. In addition to the usual catenary vol­tage of AC 15 kV 16.7 Hz, the vehicles were also up­graded for the charging voltage of AC 15 kV 50 Hz.

The com­missioning tests proved that the vehicles can be sup­plied with AC 15 kV 50 Hz with­out any pro­blems and without burdening the three-phase network with asym­metries or high harmonics.

The tests are a pre­re­quisite for the transfer of the charging-unit to the Annaberg-Buchholz-South station, where the charging sub-unit will be tested under real opera­ting con­ditions and made avail­able to other vehicle manu­facturers for tes­ting.


Photo: Karl-Ludwig Oberthür

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